Counting by 100s is an important foundational skill for young learners. It helps them understand place value and large numbers and paves the way for more complex math concepts like multiplication and division.
These worksheets are a great way for kids to practice counting by 100s. Each worksheet has a simple layout with numbers from 1 to 100 written out, with some numbers missing. Kids can fill in the missing numbers by counting by 100s.
These worksheets are a great way to help kids:
- Master the sequence of numbers from 1 to 100. This is a foundational skill that is essential for many other math concepts.
- Develop an understanding of place value. By seeing how the tens and ones digits change as they count by 100s, kids can start to understand how place value works.
- Prepare for more complex math concepts. Counting by 100s is a building block for multiplication and division.

Answer Key

Advantages of Count by 100 Worksheets
- Sequence Recognition: Children can recognize patterns and sequences, understanding the order of numbers up to 100.
- Cognitive Development: Filling in the missing numbers encourages children to use memory and recall, enhancing cognitive development.
- Preparation for Higher Math Concepts: Mastery of basic counting is essential before moving on to higher-level math concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Counting is the cornerstone of early mathematics education, and with these “Count by 100 Worksheets,” you can give your students a fun and educational experience. Browse our website for more resources and support to elevate your teaching and your students’ learning journey!