Printable 1st Grade Reading Worksheets

By reading child will learn new words every single day. It helps your child get to know sounds, words, and language, and develop early literacy skills. Reading develops the concentration ability of your kid. Furthermore, it will help a child learn to sit still and listen for long periods of time, which will benefit them in their schooling. Reading helps to introduce children to things and places they may not have a chance to learn about otherwise, such as oceans or dinosaurs.

First grade is the year when many students learn to read overnight. By the time kindergarten is over, your child should be able to recognize their name and some other core words in print. They should also be able to:

– Learn comprehension of grade 1-level materials
– Read fluency with grade 1-level material
– Identify the meaning of words in a variety of texts
– Retell a story’s beginning, middle, and ending
– Compare the experiences of characters
– Identify similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic

These worksheets were created by including all kinds of above 1st-grade reading activities. You will find many more activities according to the above topics from our interactive worksheets collection.