In this worksheet, you will see some diagrams that are divided into equal parts. Some parts of the diagram are colored, and others are not. Your job is to look at the fraction clue provided, and color in the parts of the diagram that shows that fraction.
For example, let’s say the fraction clue says “1/2.” That means we need to color in half of the diagram. So, you would look at the diagram and color in half of it, and leave the other half blank. Then, you would write the fraction “1/2” in words, which is “one-half.”
You can use different colors to make it more fun and interesting. And remember to always double-check your work to make sure you colored in the correct fraction.

The concept of “fraction” can only be used to represent shapes that are divided into equal parts. In these fractions, worksheets students identify fractions. Represent given fractions in picture mode as well as words.

After doing this activity Your child will be able to:
- Identify fractions
- Write fractions in word.