Everything we use or make can come from three types of things: natural resources, human resources, and capital resources. Here’s what each one means:
Natural Resources: These are things we get from nature like water, trees, or minerals. Some natural resources, like sunlight or wind, can be used over and over again, while others, like oil or gas, can run out.
Human Resources: This is all about people and what they can do. It’s not just about working, but also the special skills or talents people have. This can even include things like being good at coming up with new ideas or being able to manage a team.
Capital Resources: These are the things we use to make other things. It can be tools or equipment, buildings, or even roads. Money that’s used to buy these things is also a capital resource.
You can learn a lot about each type of resource, and worksheets can make this fun and interesting. It’s also important to remember that all these resources need each other. For example, we need people (human resources) to get natural resources, and we need tools and equipment (capital resources) to help with this process.
Students will learn about three types of resources (human, natural, and capital) which are part of society and culture, then group objects by type.
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