“Cause and Effect” text structure worksheets are educational tools that help students understand the concept of cause and effect in texts. The cause-and-effect structure is a common way information is organized in texts, especially non-fiction or informational texts. Understanding this structure can help students comprehend the text more effectively.
A cause is something that makes something else happen. Outcomes are effects. For instance, if we knock over a glass of milk (the cause), the milk spills (the effect). In more complex situations, the cause might be a combination of factors, and the effect might lead to further impacts.
When the worksheet asks students to “write the cause and effect for each statement below,” it provides them with a number of sentences or statements. The student’s task is to identify and write down what caused the event or situation in the statement (the cause) and what happened as a result (the effect).
Cause and effect is a common way of organizing information in a sentence. Sentences that are structured as cause and effect explain the reason why something happened or the result of something. Sentences can be ordered as cause and effect or as effect and then cause.
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